At we areĀ proud to offerĀ you FREE & FAST 1-3 Day Shipping on all orders over $49! If your order is under $49 weĀ provideĀ you with the best shipping prices available. We have a passion for getting new itemsĀ in your hands as quickly as possible and over 90% of our orders ship same day. Here is an easy rule of thumb as to when you can expect your new items to arrive.
Toys, Clothing and Accessories -Ā Arrive in 1-3 Business Days
Method |
Cost for Orders Less than $49 (Before Tax) |
Cost for Orders $49 or More (Before Tax) |
In-Transit Time** |
US Standard Shipping | $2.99 | FREE** | 1-3 Business Days* |
CanadaĀ Standard ShippingĀ | $8.99 | FREE**Ā Over $79 | 4-7 Business Days* |
International Standard Shipping | Destination Based Rates Provided at CheckoutĀ | Shipping time varies |
***Ā In-Transit TimeĀ - Starts when your order has been shipped, and does not include standard processing time of up to 2 business days. Business days do not include Saturdays, Sundays, or US Holidays. For information on anticipated delivery (inclusive of processing and transit times), please refer to ourĀ Shipping Policy Page.
***Ā Free Shipping PromotionĀ - Orders must equal or exceed the amount shown after all discounts and coupons have been applied to qualify for the promotion.
***Ā Overnight ShippingĀ - Please reach out to us for express shipping rates.Ā This is a premium service subject to higher shipping rates out of our control.
For more information on our shipping policies, please see below